Join us on November 2, 2024, in San Antonio to kick off National Epilepsy Awareness Month at the 29th Annual Epilepsy Awareness Walk!
Let's Walk to END EPILEPSY, San Antonio!
Participation in this event could provide emergency medication for a patient or an amazing summer camp experience for a child with epilepsy.
Morgan's Wonderland Ultra Accessible Theme Park
5223 David Edwards Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78233
7:30 AM / Check-In & Registration
Remember to collect your bib or register if you haven't already done so! You can also meet our vendors and sponsors and explore our Purple Market.
8:30 AM / Opening Ceremonies
Get ready and warmed up and let's Walk to END EPILEPSY together!
9:00 AM / Walk Begins
Walk alongside your friends and family to show support for our epilepsy community. Remember to take plenty of pictures and share them with us, and most importantly, have a fantastic time!
Our 2024 Sponsors
Want to see your logo here for 2024?
Contact us TODAY at Events@EFCST.org
Join the Fight
Morgan's Wonderland
5223 David Edwards Dr.
San Antonio, TX 78233